Minnesota - Twin Cities, Stone Arch Bridge
Representing global connection
Click here to visit the Minnesota LGBTQ+ History Timeline created by Telling Queer History: https://bit.ly/TQHTimelineMN
Click here to visit a combined Minnesota, U.S., and global LGBTQ+ History Timeline created by Telling Queer History: https://bit.ly/TQHglobaltimeline
The origin story of these timelines:
At the December 2015 TQH gathering, board member Meghan Lafferty created paper timelines of the HIV and AIDS epidemics’ early years to help root the stories in their history.
That sparked this project that TQH founder and Executive Driector RJ Lawrence took with them from event to event: long rolls of delicate paper with handwritten LGBTQ+ history; big and small moments from personal to global, that attendees were welcome to add their own recollections to. All of that history was rolled up after each event, and unrolled at the next gathering.
Many versions were created over the years as they ripped and filled up.
In 2022, a team began putting all the data collected over the years into spreadsheets, fact checking each piece, and where possible creating links to living content on the internet where people can read more in-depth about the history they see on the timelines.
We do not claim these timelines house ALL LGBTQ+ history, and we welcome your submissions. If you feel a timeline fact is in error, or you have an addition or correction, please email us at Hello@TellingQueerHistory.com and we will consider your submission.
Thank you for being a part of creating these timelines. Your story IS Telling Queer History!
This project was made possible through funding from the Minnesota Humanities Center and the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.